Compact objects in D(R)

Section 1. Perfect complexes in D(R)

Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring with identity. A chain complex P\in D(R) is called perfect if it is bounded and finitely generated projective in each dimension, i.e. P\in D_{\mathrm{perf}}(R). Recall that an object c in a triangulated category is compact if the functor \mathrm{Hom}(c,-) preserves all coproducts. Observe that this property is equivalent to the statement:

Every map has its image in finitely many factors of the coproducts.    (\ast)

The following gives us an example non-compact object in D(k).

Example. An infinite dimensional k-vector space V with a countable basis \{e_1,e_2,e_3,...\} can be treated as an unbounded chain complex of finitely generated free modules over k. Consider the identity map id_V:V\rightarrow V which is an element in \mathrm{Hom}_k(V,V). Let V_i=\langle e_i\rangle for each i=1,2,3,.... Suppose id_V\in\bigoplus \mathrm{Hom}_k(V,V_i), then there is a finite subset \{i_1,i_2,...,i_n\}\subseteq\{1,2,3,...\} and finitely many maps f_{i_j}:V\rightarrow V_{i_j} such that id_V=\bigoplus_{j=1}^n f_{i_j}. This is absurd since they have images as

\mathrm{Im}(\bigoplus_{j=1}^n f_{i_j})\subseteq \bigoplus_{j=1}^nV_{i_j}\neq V

while \mathrm{Im}~id_V=V. In particular, the functor \mathrm{Hom}_k(V,-) does not preserve direct sums.

Lemma 1. Let P be a projective R-module. Then P is finitely generated if and only if the functor \mathrm{Hom}_R(P,-) preserves all direct sums.

Proof. This is in the proof of Proposition 1.2. (c) in [3]. Let Y=\bigoplus_{i\in I} Y_i be a direct sum of R-modules and f:P\rightarrow Y be an R-module map. Since P is finitely generated, f is determined by the images of its finitely many generators hence \mathrm{Im}f lies in finitely many summands in Y. Hence the observation (\ast) imply the sufficiency (Notice that we do not use the assumption that P is projective). Conversely, suppose P is a direct summand of a free module \bigoplus_{j\in J}R_j where each R_j=R, i.e. there is an injection f:P\rightarrow \bigoplus_{j\in J}R_j. Hence the image \mathrm{Im}f lies in \bigoplus_{i\in I}R_i for some finite subset I\subseteq J. Therefore, P\cong \mathrm{Im}f is finitely generated.\square

Recall that direct sum (resp. direct product) of chain complexes of R-modules is defined degreewisely, thus the homology functor commutes with direct sums (resp. direct product). Also, for every bounded below chain complex of R-modules P we have

\mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P,\Sigma^nN)\cong H_n(\mathbf{Hom}_R(P,N))           (\ast\ast)

for every N\in D(R) and every n\in\mathbb{Z}.

Lemma 2. Every finitely generated projective R-module is compact in D(R).

Proof. Suppose P is a finitely generated projective R-module and Y=\bigoplus Y_i is a direct sum in D(R). Since P is projective we deduce that \mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P,Y)\cong H_0(\mathbf{Hom}_R(P,Y)) and \bigoplus\mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P,Y_i)\cong\bigoplus H_0(\mathbf{Hom}_R(P,Y_i))\cong H_0(\bigoplus\mathbf{Hom}_R(P,Y_i)). Thus it suffices to show that the two total Hom chain complexes are isomorphic by comparing each degree, i.e.


In fact, on degree q we have by Lemma 1


as required.\square

Proposition 3. The perfect complexes in D(R) are compact.

Proof. Let P be a bounded chain complex of finitely generated projective R-modules and Y=\bigoplus_iY_i be an arbitrary direct sum in D(R). We claim that


thus particularly \mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P,Y)\cong\bigoplus_i\mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P,Y_i) by using the property (\ast\ast) and the fact that homology functors commute with direct sums. We still compare the two total Hom chain complexes degreewisely. In fact, consider the n-th degree and bear in mind that P is bounded, we deduce that

\displaystyle \prod_{p+q=n}\mathrm{Hom}_R(P_{-p},Y_q)\cong\bigoplus_{p+q=n}\mathrm{Hom}_R(P_{-p},\bigoplus_i(Y_i)_q)\cong \bigoplus_{p+q=n,i}\mathrm{Hom}_R(P_{-p},(Y_i)_q)

and \displaystyle \bigoplus_i\prod_{p+q=n}\mathrm{Hom}_R(P_{-p},(Y_i)_q)\cong\bigoplus_{p+q=n,i}\mathrm{Hom}_R(P_{-p},(Y_i)_q), as required.\square

Remark A. There is another approach of proving Proposition 3 by using Lemma 2 and distinguished triangles. Indeed, by using the standard homology truncation of the bounded complex P, we have a finite collection of distinguished triangles

0=P_{-1}\rightarrow P_0\rightarrow P_1\rightarrow\cdots\rightarrow P_{n-1}\rightarrow P_n=P

such that each of their third edges say, is \Sigma^iH_i(P). Clearly, \mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P_{-1},-) preserves direct sums. Hence inductively we have for each i\geqslant 0 and each direct sum Y=\bigoplus Y_j in D(R) a long exact sequence by applying \mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(-,Y) to the distinguished triangles,

\displaystyle\begin{matrix}[\Sigma^iH_{i+1},Y]&\rightarrow &[P_i,Y]&\rightarrow &[P_{i+1},Y]&\rightarrow&[\Sigma^{i+1}H_{i+1},Y]&\rightarrow&[\Sigma P_i,Y]\\\|&&\|&&\downarrow&&\|&&\|\\ [\Sigma^iH_{i+1},Y_j]^j&\rightarrow &[P_i,Y_j]^j&\rightarrow &[P_{i+1},Y_j]^j&\rightarrow&[\Sigma^{i+1}H_{i+1},Y_j]^j&\rightarrow&[P_i,Y_j]^j\end{matrix}

such that all the vertical maps but the middle one are isomorphisms, where [P_i,Y_j]^j=\bigoplus_j\mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P_i,Y_j) and H_i=H_i(P). Then Five-Lemma implies that the middle one is also an isomorphism, i.e. \mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P_{i+1},Y)\cong\bigoplus_j\mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P_{i+1},Y_j). In particular, \mathrm{Hom}_{D(R)}(P,-) commutes with direct sums.

Section 2. Localizing subcategories and local objects

For the remaining of this post, I would like to present the proof of the converse of Proposition 3, following the outline of Lemma 2.2 in [1]. As a preliminary, we recall some related but useful concepts.

Let \mathcal{T} be a triangulated category closed under all small coproducts and \mathcal{L} be a full triangulated subcategory of \mathcal{T}. We say that \mathcal{L} is a thick subcategory if it is closed under retracts, and \mathcal{L} is a localizing subcategory if it is closed under coproducts. The following proposition implies that every localizing subcategory is thick.

Proposition 4. Every idempotent in a triangulated category \mathcal{T} which is closed under coproducts splits in \mathcal{T}.

Proof. This is Proposition 3.2 in [5]. Suppose e:X\rightarrow X is an idempotent in \mathcal{T}. Then consider Y=\underrightarrow{\mathrm{hocolim}}\{X\stackrel{e}{\rightarrow}X\stackrel{e}{\rightarrow}\cdots\} and Z=\underrightarrow{\mathrm{hocolim}}\{X\stackrel{1-e}{\rightarrow}X\stackrel{1-e}{\rightarrow}\cdots\}. Clearly, both of Y and Z lie in \mathcal{T}. Observe that \varphi=\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}e&1-e\\1-e&e\end{pmatrix} plays a role of chain map in the following commutative diagram, and the homotopy colimit of the bottom row is precisely X.

\displaystyle\begin{matrix}X\bigoplus X&\stackrel{\mathrm{diag}(e,1-e)}{\longrightarrow}&X\bigoplus X&\stackrel{\mathrm{diag}(e,1-e)}{\longrightarrow} &\cdots\\ \downarrow^{\varphi}&&\downarrow^{\varphi}&&\\ X\bigoplus X&\stackrel{\mathrm{diag}(1,0)}{\longrightarrow}&X\bigoplus X&\stackrel{\mathrm{diag}(1,0)}{\longrightarrow}&\cdots \end{matrix}

Furthermore, one can check that \varphi^2=1. Hence X\cong Y\bigoplus Z as required.\square

Construction of quotient categories. Let \mathcal{T} be a triangulated category closed under coproducts and T be a set of compact objects in \mathcal{T} such that T is closed under suspension. Then let \mathcal{L} be the smallest localizing subcategory of \mathcal{T} containing T. Then we can form the quotient category \mathcal{T/L} together with a natural functor j^\ast:\mathcal{T}\rightarrow\mathcal{T/L}. We define an object Y\in\mathcal{T} to be Tlocal if \mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(T,Y)=0.

Lemma 5. For each T-local object Y\in \mathcal{T}, we have \mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(X,Y)\cong\mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T/L}(X,Y).

Proof. Consider morphisms in the category T. Suppose X'\stackrel{\alpha}{\rightarrow} X\rightarrow Z is a distinguished triangle with Z\in \mathcal{L}. Then applying the functor \mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(-,Y), we obtain an exact sequence

0=\mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(Z,Y)\rightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(X,Y)\stackrel{\alpha^\ast}{\rightarrow}\mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(X',Y)\rightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(\Sigma^{-1}Z,Y)=0

which says that \alpha^\ast is an isomorphism. Since every morphism in \mathcal{T/L} is of the form X\stackrel{\alpha}{\leftarrow} X'\rightarrow Y with \alpha a quasi-isomorphism, i.e. its mapping cone is an object in \mathcal{L}, the previous argument implies that \mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T}(X,Y)\rightarrow\mathrm{Hom}_\mathcal{T/L}(X,Y) is surjective. For the injectivity, suppose f:X\rightarrow Y in \mathcal{T} is mapped to zero in \mathcal{T/L}. Then f factors as f:X\rightarrow Z\rightarrow Y with Z\in\mathcal{L}, hence f=0 since Y is T-local.\square

The next lemma says that every object in \mathcal{T} is quasi-isomorphic to a T-local objects.

Proposition 6. Let \mathcal{T} be a triangulated category closed under coproducts and T be a set of compact objects in \mathcal{T}. Then for every object X\in \mathcal{T}, there is a T-local object Y\in\mathcal{T} and a morphism f:X\rightarrow Y such that its mapping cone lies in the smallest localizing subcategory \mathcal{L}\subseteq\mathcal{T} containing T.

Proof. Let X_0=X and U_i=\{f:t\rightarrow X_i~|~t\in T\}=\{(f,t)~|~t\in T,~f:t\rightarrow X_i\}. Define inductively X_{i+1} as the third edge of the distinguished triangle

\displaystyle\bigoplus_{(f,t)\in U_i}t\rightarrow X_i\stackrel{\mu_i}{\rightarrow} X_{i+1}.

Clearly, the mapping cone of \mu_i lies in \mathcal{L} hence it is an isomorphism in \mathcal{T/L}. Then we define Y=\underrightarrow{\mathrm{hocolim}}X_i. In particular, the structure map X=X_0\rightarrow Y is an isomorphism in \mathcal{T/L} since each \mu_i is.

Now let t\in T be a compact object. Since \mathrm{Hom}(t,Y)\cong\underrightarrow{\lim}~\mathrm{Hom}(t,X_i) (see Lemma 1 in Grothendieck duality) and the fact that every morphism t\rightarrow X_i factors through \bigoplus\limits_{(f,t)\in U_i}t, we deduce that each induced map (\mu_i)_\ast:\mathrm{Hom}(t,X_i)\rightarrow \mathrm{Hom}(t,X_{i+1}) is zero so that \underrightarrow{\lim}~\mathrm{Hom}(t,X_i)=0. Therefore, \mathrm{Hom}(t,Y)=0 and Y is T-local.\square

Remark B. Combing Lemma 5 and 6, we deduce that the functor j^\ast restricted onto the full subcategory \mathcal{S} of all T-local objects in \mathcal{T} is an equivalence of categories from \mathcal{S}\rightarrow \mathcal{T/L} so that it has the inclusion functor j_\ast:\mathcal{S}\rightarrow \mathcal{T} as its right adjoint, which is called Bousfield localization functor. In particular, the counit of adjunction X\rightarrow j_\ast j^\ast X coincides with the map f:X\rightarrow Y in Proposition 6. Explicitly, from its proof we derive that

j_\ast j^\ast X=\underrightarrow{\mathrm{hocolim}}X_i.

Proposition 7. The functor j_\ast:\mathcal{T/L}\rightarrow\mathcal{T} preserves coproducts.

Proof. By virtue of Remark B, it suffices to show that coproduct of T-local objects remains T-local. Indeed, suppose Y=\bigoplus_i Y_i with each Y_i a T-local object. Then \mathrm{Hom}(t,Y)\cong\bigoplus_i\mathrm{Hom}(t,Y_i)=0 since t is compact.\square

As an application we have the following property of the natural functor j^\ast.

Lemma 8. The restriction of the natural functor j^\ast: \mathcal{T}^c\rightarrow (\mathcal{T/L})^c is well-defined.

Proof. Suppose Y=\bigoplus_iY_i is a coproduct in \mathcal{T/L} and t\in\mathcal{T}^c. Then

\mathrm{Hom}(j^\ast(t),Y)\cong \mathrm{Hom}(t,j_\ast(Y))\cong \mathrm{Hom}(t,\bigoplus_i j_\ast (Y_i))


The first and last isomorphism are the adjunctions while the second one is Proposition 7 and the third one is our assumption on t.\square

Section 3. Compact objects in D(R)

In order to prove Proposition 10, which is the key ingredient of proving Proposition 11, we need the following technical lemma. Before starting, we introduce some notations and assumptions.

Suppose \mathcal{T} is a compactly generated triangulated category which is closed under small coproducts. In other words, the smallest localizing subcategory containing the full subcategory \mathcal{T}^c of compact objects is \mathcal{T} itself. Let T be a subset of \mathcal{T}^c which is closed under suspensions and \mathcal{L} be the smallest localizing subcategory of \mathcal{T} containing T. Denote by \mathcal{C}_T the smallest thick subcategory containing T.

Lemma 9. Let X\rightarrow Y be a morphism in \mathcal{T} with X\in\mathcal{L}^c. Suppose Y'\rightarrow Y is a morphism in \mathcal{T} such that its mapping cone is a finite extension of coproducts in T. Then there is morphism X'\rightarrow X with its mapping cone in \mathcal{C}_T and a morphism X'\rightarrow Y' such that the following diagram

\displaystyle \begin{matrix}X' &\rightarrow&X\\\downarrow&&\downarrow\\ Y'&\rightarrow&Y\end{matrix}

is commutative.

Proof. This is Lemma 2.3 in [1]. Suppose E is the mapping cone of Y'\rightarrow Y. Since each object in \mathcal{C}_T is a finite extension of coproducts of objects in T, we prove it by induction on the length of extension of E. Now suppose E is a coproduct of objects in T.

\displaystyle\begin{matrix}X'&\rightarrow &X&\rightarrow &F\\ \downarrow&&\downarrow&&\downarrow\\ Y'&\rightarrow&Y&\rightarrow &E\end{matrix}

Since X is compact in \mathcal{L}, the composition X\rightarrow Y\rightarrow E factors through a finite coproduct F which is a direct summand of E. In particular, F\in\mathcal{C}_T. Then by completing the right square into a morphism between two distinguished triangles, we obtain the commutativity of the left square.

Now suppose E has length of extension n\geqslant 1. By the Octahedral Axiom of triangulated category, the morphism Y'\rightarrow Y can be factored into two morphism Y'\rightarrow Y''\rightarrow Y such that each one has its mapping cone of extension length strictly less than n. Hence by induction,

 \displaystyle\begin{matrix}X'&\rightarrow &X''&\rightarrow &X\\ \downarrow&&\downarrow&&\downarrow\\ Y'&\rightarrow&Y''&\rightarrow &Y\end{matrix}

we derive two morphisms X'\rightarrow X'' and X''\rightarrow X as the above diagram shows such that each of their mapping cones lies in \mathcal{C}_T and the diagram commutes. By the Octahedral Axiom again, we deduce that the mapping cone of the composition X'\rightarrow X''\rightarrow X also lies in \mathcal{C}_T.\square

Proposition 10. The category \mathcal{L}^c is the smallest thick subcategory containing T. In particular, every compact object in \mathcal{L} is compact in \mathcal{T}, i.e. \mathcal{L}^c\subseteq \mathcal{T}^c.

Proof. This is Lemma 2.2 in [1]. It suffices to show that every X\in\mathcal{L}^c is contained in the smallest thick subcategory \mathcal{C}_T\subseteq\mathcal{T} containing T since every object in \mathcal{C}_T is already compact in \mathcal{L} by definition.

By the construction in the proof of Proposition 6, we have X_0=X\in\mathcal{L} and also X_i\in\mathcal{L} for each i\geqslant 1.  Denote by Z=\underrightarrow{\mathrm{hocolim}}X_i. Notice that Z is T-local. Thus Lemma 5 implies that


since \mathcal{L}\subseteq \mathcal{T} is a full subcategory and X is compact in \mathcal{L}. Hence there is some X_n such that \eta_n:X_0=X\rightarrow X_n is the zero map. In particular, the mapping cone of \eta_n is a finite extension of coproducts in T by the construction of X_n. Also notice that the mapping cone of \eta_n=0 is a direct sum \Sigma X\bigoplus X_n. Therefore, X is a direct summand of Y, a finite extension of coproducts in T.

Now suppose f:X\rightarrow Y is our monomorphism with splitting map g:Y\rightarrow X. Thanks to Lemma 9, by assuming Y'=0 there is a map h:X'\rightarrow X such that its mapping cone F\in\mathcal{C}_T and fh=0. Thus h=(gf)h=0, hence X is a direct summand of F thus X\in\mathcal{C}_T.\square

Proposition 11. Every compact object in D(R) is a perfect complex.

Proof. This is Lemma 4.3 in [4]. Let T=\{\Sigma^iR~|~i\in\mathbb{Z}\} and \mathcal{L} be the smallest localizing subcategory of D(R) containing T. It is clear that D(R) is compactly generated by T. Then Proposition 10 says that \mathcal{L}^c is the smallest thick subcategory containing T hence \mathcal{L}^c\subseteq D_{\mathrm{perf}}(R) since D_{\mathrm{perf}}(R) is clearly a thick subcategory containing T, while Proposition 3 implies that D_{\mathrm{perf}}(R)\subseteq\mathcal{L}^c. Hence they are equal.\square

[1] A. Neeman, The connection between the K-theory localization theorem of Thomason, Trobaugh and Yao and the smashing subcategories of Bousfield and Ravenel.
[2] J. Rickard, Morita theory for derived categories.
[3] H. Bass, Algebraic K-Theory. Mathematics Lecture Notes Series.
[4] Three Spanish guys, Construction of t-structures and equivalences of derived categories.
[5] M. Bokstedt and A. Neeman, Homotopy colimits in triangulated categories.

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  1. […] of fact, being closed under direct sums implies being closed under retracts. See Proposition 4 in Compact objects in D(R)) We say is -local if […]


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